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Travel to Jewel of the Desert | Kashan Creative and Innovative Tourism-based House was launched

The Creative and Innovation House in the field of tourism in Kashan was inaugurated with the focus on creative companies of cultural industries and ecotourism and tourism startups with the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology.

Creative and innovative house is located in one of the most historical traditional contexts of Kashan. This creative and innovative house is located in a space consisting of three historical houses.

In the basement of one of the houses, which has been turned into a theater, there are facilities for performing, theater and reading plays. Kashan cultural and creative activists have established their art startups in this space.

  Production of podcasts, plays based on the rich culture of the region and performance of traditional rituals are among the startup productions of the creative house.

 Kashan Creative and Innovation House also pursues the issue of child-centered tourism with the support of professional startups in this field, with the support of the Knowledge-Based Economy Culture Development Headquarters ,and the development of soft and creative industries.

Training of special tour leaders for children, production of children's tourism platforms and scientific knowledge of the needs of this field are among the other programs that the management of this creative complex will pursue in the tourist city of Kashan.

During the visit, other creative companies and startups also discussed their products and programs with the Vice President for Science and Technology.

One of the present startup activists has compiled a book from Kashan, which has been prepared with AR technology.

This book has been presented in line with the need to prepare new tourism content using new technologies.

 Kashan Creative House will also bring the handicraft products of Kashan eco-lodges to the consumer markets by implementing a program called "Hand Created" through the cooperation of several startups.

In this creative and innovative house, also 13 different workshops including poetry weaving, gold weaving, number embroidery on wood, tailoring and textile design, design and drawing of carpets, wood, mosaics, inlays, pottery, tiles, ceramics, Jajim weaving ,and Zillow weaving.

Different startups in the field of handicrafts can use this workshop space to bring their handicrafts closer to the commercialization stage or turn new ideas into innovative products and services.

Meeting rooms, internet infrastructure and other support packages for soft and creative industries are among the other facilities of this center.

The Creative and Innovative Home also has a separate eco-tourism space including accommodation, cafes and lounges. This tourism space will help startups to have a better understanding of the tourism industry and to touch the needs of tourism closely.

 During this visit, Ali Shahideh, CEO of one of the creative companies in Kashan, who started his activities in the field of Internet TV, presented a report on his activities in the last year. This creative company has succeeded in establishing a VOD and generating revenue for low-income deciles and young people graduating in various fields, creating jobs derived from local resources and potentials, and increasing the production of need-based startups, among other goals. The culture-building headquarters of the knowledge-based economy and development of soft and creative industries is for the quantitative and qualitative development of creative houses in the country.

In this visit, which was accompanied by Ali Agha Mohammadi, a member of the Expediency Discernment Council, and Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Soft and Identification Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, the Certificate of Creativity and Innovation was awarded to Rezvanian, director of the house by Sorena Sattari, Vice Presidenct of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 76564

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